'Turquoise' Howlite Coffin Bead Drop Earrings

These beautiful halloween themed coffin beads look stunning on the end of the bead threader chain. This project uses basic wire wrapping techniques for a simple yet very elegant design.
1. Start by wire wrapping the bead. Use side cutters to cut your 0.3mm sterling silver wire to length - we recommend a length of wire approx 15-20cm for wire wrapping beads.
2. Slip the bead onto the wire around 3-4cm down. Ensure one side of the wire is longer than the other - pinch both ends of wire together at the top of the bead to form a triangle shape, making sure the bead is central.
3. Hold both sides of the wire with round nose pliers and bend the longer length to a right angle. At this point, work half way up the plier nose to ensure you allow yourself enough room for a good wrap. If necessary, trim any access wire on the short side with side cutters.
4. Use round nose pliers to form a loop with the longer side of the wire by bending it to a right angle and wrapping it around the tip of the pliers. Hold the loop flat between the tips of snipe nose pliers and take the long end of wire and use your fingers to tightly wrap it around the stem of the wires - begin at the base and work downwards.
5. Use snipe nose pliers to gently squeeze the coil together and continue to wrap upwards until you reach the top of the bead. Once you're happy with the wrap, use side cutters to trim excess wire and squeeze the end into the coil for a neat finish.
Click here for step by step instructions with photos of how to wire wrap a briolette.
6. Using snipe nose pliers or flat nose pliers, twist open a jump ring - attach the loop of the bead threader chain and the briolette loop. Close the jump ring.
Repeat the process for the second earring. Your design is now complete!
Snipe nose pliers or flat nose pliers
You may like to get our pack of pliers & side cutters which is an economical way of buying all the pliers you will need for every project!
Make the design your own by using your favourite jewellery supplies
How to wire wrap a briolette bead
Read our wire wrapping advice pages with tutorials
The Basics of Bead Stringing by Debbie Kanan
Beading Design by Kim Glover
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