Jewellery Making Tools For Cutting Metal Wire & Sheet

On this page we look at the basic tools you need in jewellery making for cutting metal wire and sheet. There are lots of options available and the tools you need depend on the task you have in hand and the thickness of metal you are using for your project. We share with you a range of tools available on our website, including popular wire cuttersjewellers saw and a disc cutter - allowing you to cut basic shapes, intricate designs and discs! Once you understand the basics of cutting, you'll be able to get creative with lots of beautiful detailed designs.

Wire Cutters

There are lots of metal wire and sheet cutters available, always check what size wire your chosen cutters can cut as if it's too thick, it can cause damage to the blades. View our full range of jewellery making pliers and cutters here.

Side Cutters

Side cutters are a workshop staple, making it easy to cut up to 1mm diameter annealed wire. If you are using harder or thicker wire, you will need stronger pliers or a saw. The flat blades on side cutters means you can cut right up to the edge of your work and in hard to reach places minimising the filing and finishing needed.

Heavy Duty Side Cutters

These cutters are an upgrade to your usual side cutters, made from tougher steel so you can easily cut thicker wire and avoid your other ones from getting marked. Perfect for using with memory wire!

Metal Wire & Sheet Cutters

These straight metal cutters are also known as tin snips or shears, used for cutting metal sheet and wire up to 0.6mm as well as cutting solder strip. These are a great choice if you want to cut out a basic shape from metal sheet instead of using a jewellers saw, however there will be more clean-up time for filing the edges compared to using a saw.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using a jewellers piercing saw and we often turn to the saw for most of our cutting needs. Find a few reasons we love using a saw below and read our advice page for more detailed information, including how to attach a saw blade and step by step instructions on how to use a saw.

Cut Thick Wire & Sheet

The jewellers saw is a must-have in the workshop, allowing you to easily cut metal wire and sheet, such as cutting D-shaped wire for making a ring band or bangle.

Neat Finish

Using a saw instead of metal cutters has it's advantages, as a saw enables you to cut without curling or distorting the metal which is what you would experience using metal cutters. Using a saw for cutting out shapes will minimise the need for filing and flattening your work.

Precision Needed For Soldering

A saw will also allow you to cut a nice flat edge which is essential for a solder joint. If you were making a ring band for example, when bending the wire together to form a band ready to solder - you can overlap the wire and use your saw to cut through them to create a neat, flat edge for your solder joint.

Cut Out Intricate Shapes & Internal Shapes In Metal

If you would like to cut out a detailed shape in metal sheet, the saw is your go-to tool!

Watch Kim's video tutorial below, which is part of the 12 Months of Metal series available to watch for free on our blog.

You can also read our tutorial page on how to use a jewellers piercing saw, with step by step instructions, information on choosing blades and how to attach them to your frame.

For Sawing, You Will Need...

Anvil & Bench Peg For Support

This is an essential piece of equipment and screws neatly onto the edge of your workbench or table, providing support for your design during soldering and making. You can customise your bench peg by cutting shapes and indentations into it, to help support your work and fit the way that you work. Bench peg also available to purchase separately here.

Jewellers Piercing Saw Frame

Simply attach a saw blade and you're ready to go! For step by step instructions on how to assemble your saw, read our tutorial or watch Kim's video below. Our saw frame is a classic design, with a comfortable handle and adjustable length.

Saw Blades

Saw blades are sold separately to our saw frame and are available in three grades, course, medium and fine. They are available in a range of sizes for different gauges of metal, as a beginner we would recommend starting with medium or coarse.

Don't forget to lubricate your saw blades with beeswax

Swipe your saw blade through this beeswax to allow your blade to glide through the metal smoothly. This prevents your blade from 'sticking' and breaking. We source our beeswax from a local Cornish farm!

A disc cutter is a brilliant tool used for cutting out perfect metal circles every time! This is a tricky task when using a piercing saw, so reaching for your disc cutter will save you time and effort.

Whether you want to create small charms or large pendant designs, disc cutters give you the option to create a whole range of size discs.

If you like this tool, you'll certainly like the doming block and punches! Where you can easily create gentle curves in your metal discs to add some texture and interest to your designs.

Shop Metal Wire & Sheet

Explore our wide selection of metal wire, sheet and tubing for your jewellery designs in a range of metals including sterling silver, eco-friendly silver, 9ct gold, brass, copper and mokume gane.

Shop Jewellery Making Tools

Discover our collection of jewellery making tools, with everything you need to make your own jewellery at home. From pliers, hammers, soldering supplies, stone setting tools to polishing equipment.
