Diamond Coated Drill Bits

Product code: C180

Diamond Coated Drill Bits

These quality twist drills are electroplated with diamond particles, they are the ultimate for drilling glass, gemstones, sea glass, pearls or ceramics (for drilling metals use a regular steel drill bit).

The technique for drilling is slightly different from the drilling metals; they need to be used at a slow speed and water must be used as a lubricant. They are available in a variety of useful diameters.

If you are not familiar with the technique, we recommend purchasing our 'Using Diamond Coated Drill Bits' advice leaflet

Available in a range of sizes:

  • 0.8mm (20gauge) (2.3mm shank)
  • 1mm (18 gauge) (2.3mm shank)
  • 1.5mm  (15 gauge) (2.3mm shank)

If you are intending to use these drill bits with a Dremel Multi Tool you will need a multi chuck tool.

If you are considering purchasing these for enlarging the holes in beads you may prefer our deluxe bead reamer set which is specifically designed for this purpose. 
