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Silver Solder Strip Safety Data Sheet

The following safety data information is provided by the manufacturer of this product. Please read thoroughly and do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information. The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication.

1. Product name: Silver-flo™ 67X (A80 Extra Easy), 67E (A80 Easy), 74M (A80 Medium), 67H (A80 Hard)
Product description and use: The Silver-flo™ filler metals listed below are Cadmium free brazing filler metals / solders the main application of which is the soldering of Silver jewellery or Silverware.

2. Hazard identification
The products covered by this data sheet are not hazardous as supplied.

The main health hazards associated with these products arise from their use as brazing filler metals / solders and the information in this data sheet reflects the hazards associated with the use of the products as brazing filler metals or solders.

On heating, metal and metal oxide fumes could be evolved, but are unlikely to exceed the stated WELs under normal conditions. However, overheating could lead to the emission of fumes in harmful concentrations.

Metal fume fever can be caused by exposure to excessive fumes of copper and zinc oxide. Symptoms are similar to those of influenza and often appear after a latent period of up to 10 hours. They normally disappear after 24 hours with rest.

Metal oxide fume can be irritating to the upper respiratory tract, nose and throat. In powder form, metal dust will irritate the eyes and is harmful if ingested.

3. Nominal composition
Silver-flo™ Filler Metals

Filler Metal Name Ag % Cu % Zn % Melting Range°C
Silver-flo™ 67X Extra Easy 67 13.7 19.3 667-709
Silver-flo™ 67E Easy     67 23 10 705-726
Silver-flo™ 74M Medium 74 19.2 6.8 720-765
Silver-flo™ 67H Hard     67 29 4 745-778

 CAS numbers for chemical elements used in the filler metals identified

Symbol Element CAS Number
Ag Silver 7440-22-4
Cu Copper 7440-50-8
Zn Zinc 7440-66-6

 4. First aid treatment
Inhalation: Fumes may be evolved at brazing temperatures that will irritate nose, throat and respiratory organs. Remove patient to fresh air. Summon medical aid if necessary.
Ingestion: Not applicable. However, if the alloy in powder form is ingested, rinse mouth with water and give patient water or milk to drink. Do not induce vomiting. Summon medical aid.
Eyes: Not applicable. However, if the alloy is in powder form and dust gets into the eyes, irrigate with water or isotonic saline for up to 20 minutes. Seek medical attention ifthere is any hint of eye damage.
Skin: Wash hands with soap and water after handling brazing alloy. If any skin irritation develops, seek medical advice.

5. Fire fighting measures
Non flammable. Care with water jet where molten metal is present. Recommended extinguishing medium – foam, dry chemical carbon dioxide, waterspray. In the event of high temperatures, metal fume dust and / or vapours may be formed. Fully self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn.

6. Accidental release measures
Material may be collected for re-use or scrap as required. If alloy is in powder form avoid getting dust in the eyes or breathing metal dust.

7. Handling and storage
Handling: Use in a well-ventilated area with local extraction. Do not inhale any fumes or dust evolved during use or handling. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling the brazing alloy, particularly before eating or smoking.
Storage: No special requirements – store in cool, dry conditions.

8. Exposure controls
United Kingdom workplace exposure limits (EH40/2005) for the elements used in the filler metals

Element Long Term (8 hour) *TWA Value Short Term (15 minutes) *TWA Value
Copper Fume 0.2 mg / m3 -
Silver (metallic) 0.1 mg / m3  
* Time Weighted Average

Personal protection
Avoid exposure to fume with good ventilation or local extraction. If risk of inhalation exists, personal respiratory protection should be worn. Safety glasses should be worn as well as gloves if required. Wash hands after using these products. The use of protective clothing is recommended.

9. Physical and chemical properties
Appearance: Silver/Copper/Brass coloured metal depending on composition.
pH: Not applicable
Melting point: See Section 2
Flash point: Not applicable
Flammability: Not flammable
Solubility: Insoluble in water

10. Stability and reactivity
No reaction with air or water. Avoid contact with acids and oxidising agents.

11. Toxicological information
Materials not classified as toxic. No data available.

12. Ecological information
As far as known, no threat is posed to the environment by these materials.

13. Disposal considerations
Dispose of waste in accordance with local and national regulations. Recommended method: As scrap for refining.

14. Transport information
Not classified for transport by road, sea or air. No UN numbers have been issued for these materials.

15. Regulatory information
EC supply: Harmful
Risk phrases: R20 Harmful by inhalation
Safety phrases: S20/21 When using do not eat, drink or smoke
S23 Do not breathe fumes
S36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, and eye/face protection
S38 In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment

16. Other information
This Material Safety Data Sheet conforms to 91/155/EEC – 2001/58/EC
Cadmium and Lead impurity levels are controlled to 0.025% Maximum for Lead and 0.010% for Cadmium
Health & Safety Executive Guidance Notes Nos.: EH60“Nickel and its inorganic compounds: health and safety precautions” HSE 1991.
EH55“The control of fume from welding, brazing and similar processes” HSE 1990.
EH54“Assessment of exposure to fume from welding and allied processes” HSE 1990.
Former Occupational Exposure Limits EH40/2004

Element Long Term (8 hour) *TWA Value Short Term (15 minutes) *TWA Value
Zinc oxide, fume 5 mg / m3 10.0 mg / m3
* Time Weighted Average

Manufacturer’s declaration:
This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is given in good faith, being based on the latest information available to Johnson Matthey PLC and is to the best of Johnson Matthey PLC’s knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable at the time of preparation. However, no representation, warranty or guarantee is made as to the accuracy, liability or completeness and Johnson Matthey PLC assumes no responsibility therefore and disclaims any liability for any loss, damage or injury howsoever arising (including in respect of any claim brought by any third party) incurred using this information. The product is supplied on the condition that the end user accepts responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability and completeness of such information for his own particular use. Freedom from patent or any other proprietary rights of any third party must not be assumed.

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