Silicone Carbide Polishing Cylinder

Product code: C99

Silicone Carbide Polishing Cylinder

These cylinders shaped high-grade silicon carbide polishers measure 20x7mm and are impregnated with fast cutting abrasives for excellent and speedy polishing results.

The polishers come in four different grades:

• Coarse (white) – for grinding away excess metal and pre-polishing
• Medium (black) – for smoothing and refining edges and surfaces
• Fine (blue) – for high sheen polishing
• Extra fine (pink) – for ultra-high sheen polishing

How to use: Simply work down through the grades to achieve a brilliantly professional finish in a fraction of the time it takes with sanding sheets. We always like to give a final polish with rouge, using polishing mops, wheels or points  as we don't think it can be beaten for that sparkling mirror finish. 

  • Size: 20x7mm 
  • They are easily attached to your pendant or hobby drill such as our Dremel Multi Tool with the addition of a multi chuck, using the mandrel for cylinder.
  • Mandrels available to purchase separately
  • The coarser grades wear down much quicker than the finer ones so make sure you get plenty of coarse (white) and medium (black)
