Meet The Self-Taught Jeweller Behind Corzana

Lana is a jewellery designer from Burbage, creating beautiful boho inspired jewellery that is dainty and meaningful. Focusing on gemstone beads and crystals in dreamy colours of teal, turquoise and pink.

As a self taught jeweller, we find out what Lana has used to learn and practice techniques as well as making jewellery on a budget. Each piece of Lana's jewellery is wonderfully hand packaged in tissue paper and placed in an Organza gift bag - it also includes a card, sharing the healing properties of the stone. With many people taking an interest in gemstone meanings, this makes a lovely addition to Lana's already stunning packaging.

Lana shares how jewellery making has helped her through a tough time in her life - not only this, since launching her handmade business in 2016, Lana has already found success with nearly 1,000 Etsy sales! We find out all about this in the interview below, how she has mastered the platform, more on her handmade designs and her top tips too...

"I've always loved jewellery and found myself lusting after beautiful jewellery that I couldn't afford to buy, being a mum of 3 I just didn't have the spare cash to treat myself. So instead i bought some inexpensive materials and gave making my own jewellery a go and I fell in love..."

Describe your jewellery in 3 words!

Feminine, dainty and meaningful.

What gave you the push to start selling your beautiful jewellery?

I've always loved jewellery and found myself lusting after beautiful jewellery that I couldn't afford to buy, being a mum of 3 I just didn't have the spare cash to treat myself. So instead i bought some inexpensive materials and gave making my own jewellery a go and I fell in love. The big push to turn my hobby into a business came after my children and I escaped an abusive relationship and I found myself in a women's refuge, it was there that i decided to start a business and try and make a better life for myself and my children. That dream kept me focused and got me through an extremely tough time in my life.

Are you self taught? If so, what resources did you use to learn techniques.

I am completely self taught as in I have never been on a course or anything like that. I spent many, many hours watching youtube tutorials and reading jewellery making books and magazines, I'm still learning new techniques now.

What is the meaning behind your business name, Corzana?

I wish it was interesting but it's just a mix up of a few things. The first part is from Cornwall which is my favourite place. I spent some time there in my early 20s and fell in love with the place and the people. The last part is from my name and the z in the middle was really just to bring the two together and just happened to be in the name of a car I loved at the time, it was a Nissan 350z. It's an odd mashup but I've grown to really love Corzana.

We love your photography - what are your top tips for getting the perfect photo?

Photography is something I have had to really work hard on, it doesn't come naturally to me. It has taken me years to get my pictures to the quality they are now but even now they are far from perfection.

My top tips are to always take pictures in natural daylight, in front of a window but not in direct sunlight. Take lots and lots of pictures at different angles and with different props and pick which ones look the best, you will also have loads for your social media pages too.

You can read Kernowcraft's 'Ultimate Photography Guide' here.

"It amazes me that I can make something so pretty out of just a little wire and some beads..."

We love your packaging, what was the design process of them?

I wanted my packaging to be a little rustic and handmade looking but still feel like a gift even if you have just bought a little something for yourself.

It's quite feminine and flowery and as eco friendly as possible, that was important to me.

Favourite threading materials?

I like to use nylon cord for my bracelets as it just makes them feel nice and sturdy.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

My dream is to see my jewellery in shops and to have my own little workshop with employees, that would be wonderful. 

What’s your favourite design to make?

I love making my wire wrapped boho earrings, they are so relaxing to make and it amazes me that I can make something so pretty out of just a little wire and some beads.

What advice would you give to those struggling to gain Etsy sales?

My advice is to always try to improve your listings, even if you think they are perfect. Your photos are really important too, they need to be clear and bright and eye-catching. And be patient, it's not going to happen overnight but when those ka chings start coming in regularly it's the best feeling ever and totally worth the wait and the hard work.

What’s your favourite platform for promoting your jewellery?

Pinterest is fabulous. I have lost many hours to Pinterest, just browsing and browsing away so i know that it's a great place to show off my jewellery too.

Favourite gemstone combination?

I have a thing for aquamarine, it just seems to call to me and i love it paired with vibrant ruby, it's an odd combination but it really works and I adore it.

Ruby is believed to be the stone of love, passion and is said to bring positivity to your life. Find ruby cabochons, faceted stones and beads online with Kernowcraft.

Aquamarine is said to be the treasure of mermaids! It's a soothing stone, used to bring good luck and protection. At Kernowcraft, we have a range of stunning aquamarine cabochons, faceted stones and beads.

"I think that is because people are more aware now of the importance to love yourself for who you are and wearing self love jewellery is a little reminder of that..."

What is your best seller and why do you think this is?

My self love items are my best sellers definitely. I think that is because people are more aware now of the importance to love yourself for who you are and wearing self love jewellery is a little reminder of that.

Why do you think healing jewellery is so popular?

People are more spiritual now I think and are more aware of energies and vibes and the importance of positivity and self care.

What is your favourite thing about using rough gemstones and crystals?

I love the rustic and natural look of rough gemstones, it's mother nature it her best. Just beautiful.

Where do you find inspiration for your next make?

I am always inspired by things around me, it could be a bunch of flowers with a pretty combination of colours or a painting or even a pretty dress that will inspire a whole new collection.

What’s one jewellery trend you never want to see again!

Oh that's a tough one because I love all jewellery. Maybe belly button rings, just because belly buttons are a bit weird! Lol.

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Learn Jewellery Making

Lana is a self taught jeweller and you can be too! There are so many resources online to learn new techniques and jewellery making books to help you. Take a look below...

Jewellery Making Books

We have a range of jewellery making books, whether you're a beginner or expert silversmith - we have a range of inspirational books to suit you. From beading, silversmithing, metal clay to stone setting - find them all online now.

10 Jewellery Making YouTube Channels To Watch

YouTube is a free and brilliant platform, filled with jewellers willing to share their trade secrets with you! This is one of the best ways to learn techniques and get involved with the jewellery community.

