Anxiety Jewellery & Favourite Gems With Rozen Jewellery

We're chatting with jeweller and creative Rhiane all about her handmade jewellery business, Rozen Jewellery and her incredible designs. We discovered Rhiane's work on social media when we stumbled across her anxiety jewellery, we loved these kinetic designs which aim to relax the wearer and we just had to find out more! In this interview, we dive into how Rhiane got started in jewellery making, learn more about her anxiety and gemstone jewellery, hear about her Etsy success and plans for the future.

Hi Rhiane, how did your love for being creative begin?

Hello, thank you so much for having me! I have always loved being creative, even when I was little I would make anything from what I could find lying around, like turning cardboard boxes into elaborate houses - kitted out with all the kitchen appliances! I was always inspired by the people around me, like my Grandad's love for photography and my family's dental lab workshop where I would steal wax or plaster to make sculptures with before I discovered jewellery making. It was actually pretty handy to have access to a dental lab as they use a lot of the same tools as jewellery makers, so I spent a lot of time casting my own jewellery.

Tell us more about your studies and experience of working within the jewellery industry

I first started learning jewellery design at the British Academy of Jewellery in London back in 2016 when I was 19. I loved my time at BAJ, learning so many jewellery skills which I would have never picked up myself. I personally can struggle being self taught as I always get disappointed when something goes wrong, however being in a class of like minded people and the consistency of just turning up really helped my confidence with jewellery making! After two years at BAJ I got a full time job working for a jewellery brand, which was a total dream of mine, getting to see behind the scenes of how a popular jewellery company worked was such an eye opener. 

"Struggling with anxiety myself it was such an honor to be able to offer even the tiniest support for others..."

What gave you the inspiration to start your own jewellery business?

I think for most jewellery makers, it's a natural progression to want to start selling your jewellery pieces. I opened up an Etsy shop back in 2016, selling a few designs I made whilst I was studying. However, with my anxiety, I never really felt having a jewellery business was something I could achieve. It wasn't until 2021 when I popped some anxiety ring designs on my Etsy, which proved to be popular that I felt like it was something I could do! Struggling with anxiety myself it was such an honor to be able to offer even the tiniest support for others, so I knew then I wanted to continue to grow my business, focusing on positivity and self love.

Do you enjoy using Etsy as a platform and would you recommend it?

Etsy has been such a huge help for me and my business. It's a great platform to help find an audience, which has then allowed me to grow my business. (as long as you can work with the algorithm, which can be a bit overwhelming!). I found building a website quite intimidating whereas with Etsy it doesn't take much time at all to build a profile and list items. There are some downsides to Etsy, such as their fees and dropshippers but It can be a really user friendly website and super helpful to sellers starting out.

How would you describe your jewellery designs?

I like to try and bring positivity to everything I make, either with my anxiety jewellery or bigger pieces. I love using stones such as moonstones and opals with shifting colour, they always feel so magical and I love watching the colours form. Not only are they beautiful, they can provide a really nice visual stimulation. I could watch opals in the sunlight for hours! The three words I try to stick to when designing my jewellery are uplifting, magical and fun!

What has been a custom design you’ll never forget?

Ooh, love this question! I always feel so lucky to be given the opportunity to make custom designs. Last year I was asked to make a statement ring with their birthstone and a secret affirmation stamped inside, something to celebrate what they had overcome and to help remind them to continue to support themselves. It means so much to be given the job of making something so meaningful, I have heard so many stories of how a special piece of jewellery can commemorate/celebrate those moments. I love being a part of that!

Tell us about your best selling anxiety rings!

Anxiety rings have movable elements which can be played with, helpful for a range of reasons like calming anxiety, breaking habits and even helping stay focused! I have quite a collection of designs now, the wavey and daisy being the most popular.

What was the inspiration behind your anxiety collection?

I made an anxiety ring for my friend and loved the idea so much, I made a few more designs for myself and to put on Etsy. I was really excited that I could make a little tool that could help anxiety whilst also using my jewellery skills, a hobby I loved. They became popular almost instantly, which was a real shock and quite overwhelming! I was particularly struggling with my anxiety at the time, so it was really inspiring to be able to help others going through similar issues as myself. It has meant so much to me to be able to offer some help to others, but it has also hugely helped myself with my own anxiety and confidence growing. I owe a lot to these little rings! 

"Finding and developing a style is such a journey, for me, it has developed over time from both growing jewellery skills and life experiences..."

One tool you wished you had sooner!

Magnifier/glasses! close up jewellery work can cause havoc on our eyes, I hadn't noticed just how blurry things were getting until I got glasses!

How did you develop your style?

I feel like I'm still developing my style, which is more of a continuous discovery. I first started making chunky, heavy jewellery - lots of signet rings and wax carved pieces. (using my family's dental lab to cast myself.) However, I now love to make smaller pieces. The tinier the stone the better! Finding and developing a style is such a journey, for me, it has developed over time from both growing jewellery skills and life experiences. Connecting with people from my shop, becoming more connected with mental health and the importance of self love has really influenced how I want to design. 

What’s one gemstone you’re loving right now and why?

I think everyone would expect me to say opals, which I do really love. But currently I am obsessed with moonstones. They are one of the first stones I worked with so they hold a special place in my heart. Moonstones have such a magical quality to them, the shifts of blues and rainbows that can appear are so beautiful. I also am really loving the freeform shapes they can come in, each one is so individual.

What’s one technique you’d love to master and why?

Oooh, that's a tough one! There are so many I would love to get more confident in, but to master I would have to say stone setting, especially claw. I am so proud with how far my confidence in stone setting has come, the idea of even a simple rub over bezel would absolutely terrify me! Perhaps that's why I want to challenge myself with claw setting, as that's the one that scaring me now! 

"I still have pinch-me moments..."

Tell us about your workspace and how you make it your own

I have a garden workshop, it's small but full of everything I love with jewellery making. It's such a game changer to have a dedicated space to work from, I used to work in my bedroom and not only did it get messy very quickly, I never felt fully connected to my business. My workshop is just a simple wooden shed, but it's one of my favourite spaces to be in and I feel very lucky to have it. I love to fill it with artwork I find from small businesses that really inspire me. Making a space your own is so important when you dedicate so many hours in it! 

Statement or minimal?

Can I say both! A minimal statement.

What’s one thing you’d love to achieve this year in your business

Make my own website! As much as I love using Etsy as a selling platform, it can be restrictive. I would love to have my own dedicated space online with the freedom of how I would like to be presented!

How does it feel that your jewellery is being worn and loved by so many people?

Very surreal! I still have pinch-me moments. I've had orders go across the world to places like America and Japan, which just blows my mind. I have had the privilege to talk to so many people from selling my jewellery, all going through the challenges that anxiety can bring, which so often is a very lonely experience. But I feel if there's one thing my shop can show, it is that we are certainly never alone with anxiety! 

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